Fight against the epidemic, Hubei Shenzhou in action! 2025-01-17

The Chinese New Year of 2020 is unusual

No party trip

Did not leave

Everything becomes cherishing well-being...

The spread of new coronavirus pneumonia  

 Affects the heart of every Chinese son and daughter

God bless China! Go Hubei!

Shenzhou Group responded to the national call for the first time to do a good job in corporate epidemic prevention work, and actively contacted the hospital construction in the Wuhan epidemic area, racing against time to contribute to the frontline of helping people in the Wuhan epidemic area. During the construction cooperation between our company and the Huanggang Central Hospital New District (also known as Hubei Dabieshan Regional Medical Center), an epidemic occurred in Wuhan, and the epidemic in Huanggang City has become more and more serious, becoming an epidemic area second only to Wuhan in the number of cases. According to government research and decision, the Huanggang City Dabieshan Medical Center, which has not yet been completed, was urgently requisitioned. More than 1,000 beds were set up as a centralized admission point for fever patients, and it was transformed into the Huanggang version of "Xiaotangshan Hospital" in 4 days. To fight the epidemic, China Group decided to donate the B1 rubber and plastic insulation materials needed for the construction of the Dabieshan Regional Medical Center free of charge. On February 2, 2020, the loading of the first batch of donated materials was completed and sent out from Zone B of China Rubber & Plastics at 3pm.

The materials aided by Shenzhou Group to Huanggang Central Hospital arrived at the Dabieshan Regional Medical Center in Huanggang City on the afternoon of the 3rd.

According to the construction needs of the Dabieshan Regional Medical Center, our company will continue to donate insulation materials to fight together with the people of Huanggang. It is incumbent to fight the epidemic. The China Group will do its best to fight the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. The land of China, with one heart, will surely defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.

On the morning of February 3, 2020, the first batch of glass wool materials supported by Shenzhou Group to support the construction of integrated houses in Wuhan area hospitals has also been sent from Shenzhou Glass Wool B Zone, and went to Tianjin to assemble supporting parts for integrated houses, and cooperate with China State Construction Integrated House. Co., Ltd. helps Wuhan together.

Shenzhou Group insists on keeping its social responsibilities and civic obligations in mind. In the face of the epidemic, China Group and the people of the whole country are in the same boat, fighting the epidemic together, overcoming the difficulties, united in unity, and preparing for the fight against the "epidemic" at all times, and will surely win an early victory. This defense war.